3 - Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Exploring Your Home Financing Options

A 3 year fixed mortgage can provide the perfect balance between flexibility and structure, with its short term loan period and stable monthly payments. Whether you’re a first time buyer or are looking to invest in a property, you can get a 3 year fixed rate mortgage in Canada with ease when you work with the experts at sHelto.


What Are 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates?

3 year fixed mortgage rates in Canada are a mortgage solution for buyers, that allow for a fixed rate for a period of 3 years without any fluctuations in rate or changes in terms. You can plan your short term mortgage payments better as they are standardized for the duration of the loan period.

You can get the best mortgage rates Canada 3 years fixed when you work with a mortgage broker. sHelto can provide the best plan for you and your family to find a home that is just right for you. With a wide network of lenders, our experts can plan your entire mortgage journey so that your priorities are met with.


money, finance, mortgage

Key Features of 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates:

There are several features of a mortgage when it comes to the 3 year fixed mortgage in Canada. You can get the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates when you understand how the mortgage is structured and its benefits.

  • Consistency: One of the primary attributes of a 3-year fixed mortgage is its predictability. Borrowers are insulated from any interest rate fluctuations in the market, ensuring monthly payments remain unchanged.

  • Mid-Term Commitment: Falling between the more common short-term (like 1-year) and long-term (like 5-year) fixed rates, a 3-year fixed mortgage offers a balanced commitment. It allows borrowers to capitalize on stable rates while not binding them for extended periods.

  • Potential for Renewal: You can renew your mortgage at the interest rates that are available at that time, when you are working with a 3 year fixed mortgage. You can learn more about the new rates, whether they have fallen or risen, and get the right mortgage for you.

  • Budgeting Ease: Budgeting is significantly improved when you have a fixed rate for your mortgage. You can get the right 3 year plan that works for you, and track your monthly expenses over time during that period.

  • Protection Against Rate Hikes: In an economic climate where interest rates might be rising, locking in a 3-year fixed rate can be advantageous.

  • Flexibility: It offers a shorter commitment than some other fixed terms, allowing borrowers to revaluate their mortgage strategy in the medium-term.

  • Locked-In Rate: If market rates decline significantly during the 3-year term, borrowers might find themselves paying a higher- than-necessary interest rate.

  • Prepayment Penalties: As with many fixed-rate mortgages, terminating the mortgage contract before the end of the term might result in penalties.


You can get the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates when you have high credit worthiness, are able to put down a larger down payment, and are working with a broker like sHelto. You can also know your fixed 3 year mortgage rates better when you have an expert who can guide you through the entire process.



house, money, euro

Advantages of a 3-Year Fixed Mortgage

There are several advantages to 3 year fixed mortgage rates in Canada, which is why many buyers are opting for this plan. Additionally, the 3 year fixed mortgage rates Canada plans can come with a range of additional terms within the agreement. It is important to check every detail and verify whether it aligns with your overall goals.

Lower Interest Rates than Shorter-Term Mortgages

There are lower rates advantages to 3 year mortgages when compared to variable and 2 year mortgages. You can also avoid some of the additional costs associated with 2 year plans, and get a structured 3 year fixed mortgage for your financial goals.

Stability and Predictability

You can experience stability and predictability when you opt for a fixed mortgage. You can also get a better overview of your pay-outs for the next 3 years when you have a highly structured plan. This means that you can plan for other expenses, such as personal loans, car loans, etc.

Greater Flexibility than Longer-Term Mortgages:

The main advantage of a 3 years fixed mortgage rate is the flexibility offered with it. You can get another loan with variable rates after the 3 year period is up. You can lock-in a rate from your lender and get another option in terms of variable rates with other costs associated with them. You can prioritize your financial goals and review the market conditions in Canada during the closing period.

Ideal for Short-Term Property Owners:

You can focus on a range of investment strategies that aren’t available to you when you are tied down to a longer loan period. If you aren’t sure about whether you want to settle into the property, then getting a shorter term loan can work better for you.

Buffer Against Economic Uncertainty:

You can talk to a mortgage broker such as sHelto, to learn more about market scenarios for investing in a home property. You can wait for a year or invest now, to benefit from market trends that may be favourable to buyers in Canada at the moment. You can find the right time to invest when you work with a broker.

Alignment with Financial Goals:

The 3 years fixed mortgage rate aligns perfectly with first time buyers, short term property investors, and those who are moving into a new city in Canada. You can get the best rates for your 3 year mortgage in Canada, when you know your goals with your property. If you are planning on moving into a new town or selling the property in a few years, then the 3 year mortgage can work for you as well.



Current 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates


Our Rates

Our Rates

Rates were last updated on  June 2024
E&OE, O.A.C. T&C Apply
Rates are subject to change without prior notice

T&C Apply
Rates were last updated on June 2024.
Rates are subject to change without prior notice



How to Compare 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates

It is important to compare 3 year fixed mortgage rates when you are working with a broker in Canada. A broker can provide you with a mortgage calculator, a strategy plan, and a comparison chart of the lending solutions available based on your credit score, documentation, down payment, etc.


1. Understand the Basics of Interest Rates

There may be additional sets of parameters associated with low interest rates. There may be higher fees attached to them, additional costs, and less favourable terms when it comes to selecting just on the basis of low rates. The best 3 year fixed rate mortgage can be acquired by analysing all factors.


2. The Power of APR

You should focus on comparing APRs when it comes to 3 year fixed mortgage rates BC and other areas in Canada. The annual percentage rate or APR provides a more holistic view of the mortgage, capturing interest rate, fees. etc. You should also compare the annual rate and understand how that can affect your overall monthly payment.


3. Factor in Additional Costs

Beyond the headline interest rate, there could be various fees associated with the mortgage, like origination fees, appraisal costs, and more. You should also check for mortgage prepayment penalties and CMHC mortgage insurance premiums, among other costs that can be added to a 3 year fixed. This can help you determine the right lender and plan for your mortgage.


4. Use a Mortgage Calculator

Tools like mortgage calculators can be invaluable. By inputting different rates, down payment amounts, and other factors, you can get a tangible sense of your potential monthly mortgage payments and total cost over the 3-year term.


5. Consider Loan Features

Not all mortgage products are created equal. Some might offer flexibility in terms of prepayments, while others could have stricter penalties for breaking the mortgage early. You should always check for what terms you are comfortable with and what agreements align with your monthly payments.


6. Economic Forecast

While we can’t predict the future, being informed about the economic outlook, especially related to interest rate predictions, can influence your decision. If rates are anticipated to rise significantly, locking in a current rate might be beneficial.


7. Seek Professional Assistance

The best way to lock-in a viable 3 year fixed rate mortgage in Canada is to work with an expert mortgage broker. sHelto can provide the best rates and peace of mind when it comes to buying a property in Canada. You can also know more about the market from the perspective of an expert.


8. Ask for Service Levels

You can review what types of services are provided within the overall mortgage solution offered. You can also check the various terms around breaking a mortgage, process simplicity around signing up, and other factors.

These critical parameters can help you understand the Canadian real estate and mortgage markets better. You can learn more about what types of properties can come with what types of mortgage rates. You can also check for different locations and understand whether your rates differ when it comes to getting a 3yr fixed rate mortgage in Canada.


yes, no, opportunity

Tips for Securing the Best 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate

You can secure the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates for your property with the following strategy. This can also help you be more aware of the market conditions and real estate scenario in Canada. You can find the right 3 year fixed mortgage rates for your property and get the right financing model that works for you.


1. Strengthen Your Credit Score

One of the most important aspects of getting the best 3 year fixed rate mortgage rate in Canada is to strengthen your credit score. You can showcase higher credit worthiness in the market and ensure that lenders trust your ability to pay off the mortgage.

Why it matters: Lenders can understand your scenario fully when they can trust your credit worthiness and provide you with a better mortgage rate.

Tips for improvement: The best approach is to work with a financial planner who can help reduce your debt liabilities, pay off your credit card or personal loans on time, and improve your overall creditworthiness.


2. Higher Down Payment:

When you have a higher down payment on a 3 year mortgage, your interest rates will lower across all lender types. This will help you get the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates Canada wide, giving you more freedom in choosing the right institution.

Why it matters: A larger down payment reduces the lender’s risk, often resulting in a better interest rate for you. It demonstrates your financial stability and commitment.

Strategies: You can save more, accept gifts, and tap into your RRSP for first-time buyers, in some cases. These can help you provide a higher down payment for your 3 year mortgage rates plan.


3. Understand Debt-to-Income Ratios

There are several best practices and debt to income ratios when it comes to getting the right fixed 3 year mortgage rates in Canada. You can check your own debt portfolio and determine how you can reduce your overall debt across multiple areas to showcase better credit worthiness.

Why it matters: This ratio gives lenders an insight into your ability to manage and repay debts.

Optimization: Aim for a lower ratio by either increasing your income or decreasing mortgage amount of your debts. Lenders generally prefer a ratio below 43%.


4. Review all available options

There are banks, lending intuitions, private lenders, and other types of entities that can provide a mortgage for a property. By working with a broker like sHelto, you can get the right mortgage rates from the right lender.

Why it matters: Rates can vary significantly between lenders.

Action steps: You can consult with a mortgage broker about the right lending strategy for you. You should also understand that your case may be different from others, which is why getting a customized lending strategy is the best option.


5. Lock-in your rate

In several cases, you can lock-in your rate for a period of 60 days or more. This can help you understand what types of rates are available in the market in Canada so that you can get the best 3 year fixed rate mortgage without experiencing the down side of losing that locked-in rate.

Why it matters: You can get assurance of a fixed rate during the period in which you are checking lending options.

Keep in mind: Some lenders might offer this for free, while others may charge a fee.


6.  Engage a Mortgage Broker:

sHelto can help with securing the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates for you in Canada. A mortgage broker can also provide support, structure, and strategy for the entire process of getting a loan. You can also learn more about the best 3 year fixed mortgage rate in Canada when you are working with market experts like sHelto.

Why it matters: Brokers have a broader view of the mortgage market and can often access deals or lenders that you might not be aware of.

Benefits: They can save you time, potentially find better mortgage interest rates in Canada, and guide you through the application process.


7. Negotiate:

Why it matters: While it might seem that rates are set in stone, there’s often room for negotiation, especially if you present yourself as a low-risk borrower.

Strategies: Armed with offers from various lenders, approach your preferred lender to see if they can match or better those terms.


8. Remaining updated on market

It is important to understand how the market adjusts to various macroeconomic trends, bank policy changes, announcements, etc. There may be benefits to investing in a 3 year fixed mortgage rates Canada solution and then renewing with a variable mortgage when interest rates are more favourable.

Why it matters: Economic factors, central bank policies, and other macro factors can influence mortgage rates.

Action steps: Regularly check reputable finance news sources and consider subscribing to mortgage rate newsletters.

You can improve your ability to acquire an excellent property at the best 3 year mortgage rates with the help of sHelto. We take care of the entire journey from scouting the right property plans to getting you the right monthly payment structure. We can also help in finding 3 year fixed rate mortgage solutions with the right lender, by leveraging our vast network.



In the vast landscape of home financing options, understanding the nuances of different mortgage types is crucial. 3-year fixed mortgage rates, while not as commonly discussed as their 5-year counterpart, offer a compelling balance between rate stability and term flexibility. This guide sheds light on the intricacies of 3-year fixed mortgage rates, ensuring you make an informed decision


What are 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates?

3 year fixed mortgage rates in Canada are a mortgage solution for buyers, that allow for a fixed rate for a period of 3 years without any fluctuations in rate or changes in terms. You can plan your short term mortgage payments better as they are standardized for the duration of the loan period.

You can get the best mortgage rates Canada 3 years fixed when you work with a mortgage broker. sHelto can provide the best plan for you and your family to find a home that is just right for you. With a wide network of lenders, our experts can plan your entire mortgage journey so that your priorities are met with.


Key Features of 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates:

There are several features of a mortgage when it comes to the 3 year fixed mortgage in Canada. You can get the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates when you understand how the mortgage is structured and its benefits.

  • Consistency: One of the primary attributes of a 3-year fixed mortgage is its predictability. Borrowers are insulated from any interest rate fluctuations in the market, ensuring monthly payments remain unchanged.

  • Mid-Term Commitment: Falling between the more common short-term (like 1-year) and long-term (like 5-year) fixed rates, a 3-year fixed mortgage offers a balanced commitment. It allows borrowers to capitalize on stable rates while not binding them for extended periods.

  • Potential for Renewal: At the end of the three years, borrowers have the flexibility to assess the market anew and make decisions about renewal, refinancing, or potentially switching mortgage types.

  • Budgeting Ease: Predictable monthly payments facilitate easier financial planning and budgeting.

  • Protection Against Rate Hikes: In an economic climate where interest rates might be rising, locking in a 3-year fixed rate can be advantageous.

  • Flexibility: It offers a shorter commitment than some other fixed terms, allowing borrowers to reevaluate their mortgage strategy in the medium-term.

  • Locked-In Rate: If market rates decline significantly during the 3-year term, borrowers might find themselves paying a higher- than-necessary interest rate.

  • Prepayment Penalties: As with many fixed-rate mortgages, terminating the mortgage contract before the end of the term might result in penalties.

You can get the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates when you have high credit worthiness, are able to put down a larger down payment, and are working with a broker like sHelto. You can also know your fixed 3 year mortgage rates better when you have an expert who can guide you through the entire process.


house, money, euro

Advantages of a 3-Year Fixed Mortgage

There are several advantages to 3 year fixed mortgage rates in Canada, which is why many buyers are opting for this plan. Additionally, the 3 year fixed mortgage rates Canada plans can come with a range of additional terms within the agreement. It is important to check every detail and verify whether it aligns with your overall goals.

Lower Interest Rates than Shorter-Term Mortgages

There are lower rates advantages to 3 year mortgages when compared to variable and 2 year mortgages. You can also avoid some of the additional costs associated with 2 year plans, and get a structured 3 year fixed mortgage for your financial goals.

Stability and Predictability

You can experience stability and predictability when you opt for a fixed mortgage. You can also get a better overview of your pay-outs for the next 3 years when you have a highly structured plan. This means that you can plan for other expenses, such as personal loans, car loans, etc.

Greater Flexibility than Longer-Term Mortgages:

The main advantage of a 3 years fixed mortgage rate is the flexibility offered with it. You can get another loan with variable rates after the 3 year period is up. You can lock-in a rate from your lender and get another option in terms of variable rates with other costs associated with them. You can prioritize your financial goals and review the market conditions in Canada during the closing period.

Ideal for Short-Term Property Owners:

You can focus on a range of investment strategies that aren’t available to you when you are tied down to a longer loan period. If you aren’t sure about whether you want to settle into the property, then getting a shorter term loan can work better for you.

Buffer Against Economic Uncertainty:

You can talk to a mortgage broker such as sHelto, to learn more about market scenarios for investing in a home property. You can wait for a year or invest now, to benefit from market trends that may be favourable to buyers in Canada at the moment. You can find the right time to invest when you work with a broker.

Alignment with Financial Goals:

The 3 years fixed mortgage rate aligns perfectly with first time buyers, short term property investors, and those who are moving into a new city in Canada. You can get the best rates for your 3 year mortgage in Canada, when you know your goals with your property. If you are planning on moving into a new town or selling the property in a few years, then the 3 year mortgage can work for you as well.


Current 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates

Our Rates

Our Rates

Rates were last updated on  June 2024
E&OE, O.A.C. T&C Apply
Rates are subject to change without prior notice

T&C Apply
Rates were last updated on June 2024.
Rates are subject to change without prior notice

Note: Rates are constantly evolving. Ensure you consult with the respective lenders for the most up-to-date information posted rates.


How to Compare 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates

It is important to compare 3 year fixed mortgage rates when you are working with a broker in Canada. A broker can provide you with a mortgage calculator, a strategy plan, and a comparison chart of the lending solutions available based on your credit score, documentation, down payment, etc.

1. Understand the Basics of Interest Rates

There may be additional sets of parameters associated with low interest rates. There may be higher fees attached to them, additional costs, and less favourable terms when it comes to selecting just on the basis of low rates. The best 3 year fixed rate mortgage can be acquired by analysing all factors.

2. The Power of APR

You should focus on comparing APRs when it comes to 3 year fixed mortgage rates BC and other areas in Canada. The annual percentage rate or APR provides a more holistic view of the mortgage, capturing interest rate, fees. etc. You should also compare the annual rate and understand how that can affect your overall monthly payment.

3. Factor in Additional Costs:

Beyond the headline interest rate, there could be various fees associated with the mortgage, like origination fees, appraisal costs, and more. You should also check for mortgage prepayment penalties and CMHC mortgage insurance premiums, among other costs that can be added to a 3 year fixed. This can help you determine the right lender and plan for your mortgage.

4. Use a Mortgage Calculator:

Tools like mortgage calculators can be invaluable. By inputting different rates, down payment amounts, and other factors, you can get a tangible sense of your potential monthly mortgage payments and total cost over the 3-year term.

5. Consider Loan Features

Not all mortgage products are created equal. Some might offer flexibility in terms of prepayments, while others could have stricter penalties for breaking the mortgage early. You should always check for what terms you are comfortable with and what agreements align with your monthly payments.

6. Economic Forecast:

While we can’t predict the future, being informed about the economic outlook, especially related to interest rate predictions, can influence your decision. If rates are anticipated to rise significantly, locking in a current rate might be beneficial.

7. Seek Professional Assistance:

The best way to lock-in a viable 3 year fixed rate mortgage in Canada is to work with an expert mortgage broker. sHelto can provide the best rates and peace of mind when it comes to buying a property in Canada. You can also know more about the market from the perspective of an expert.

8. Review Customer Feedback

You can review what types of services are provided within the overall mortgage solution offered. You can also check the various terms around breaking a mortgage, process simplicity around signing up, and other factors.

These critical parameters can help you understand the Canadian real estate and mortgage markets better. You can learn more about what types of properties can come with what types of mortgage rates. You can also check for different locations and understand whether your rates differ when it comes to getting a 3yr fixed rate mortgage in Canada.


yes, no, opportunity

Tips for Securing the Best 3-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate

You can secure the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates for your property with the following strategy. This can also help you be more aware of the market conditions and real estate scenario in Canada. You can find the right 3 year fixed mortgage rates for your property and get the right financing model that works for you.

1. Strengthen Your Credit Score

One of the most important aspects of getting the best 3 year fixed rate mortgage rate in Canada is to strengthen your credit score. You can showcase higher credit worthiness in the market and ensure that lenders trust your ability to pay off the mortgage.

Why it matters: Lenders can understand your scenario fully when they can trust your credit worthiness and provide you with a better mortgage rate.

Tips for improvement: The best approach is to work with a financial planner who can help reduce your debt liabilities, pay off your credit card or personal loans on time, and improve your overall creditworthiness.


2. Higher Down Payment:

When you have a higher down payment on a 3 year mortgage, your interest rates will lower across all lender types. This will help you get the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates Canada wide, giving you more freedom in choosing the right institution.

Why it matters: A larger down payment reduces the lender’s risk, often resulting in a better interest rate for you. It demonstrates your financial stability and commitment.

Strategies: You can save more, accept gifts, and tap into your RRSP for first-time buyers, in some cases. These can help you provide a higher down payment for your 3 year mortgage rates plan.


3. Understand Debt-to-Income Ratios

There are several best practices and debt to income ratios when it comes to getting the right fixed 3 year mortgage rates in Canada. You can check your own debt portfolio and determine how you can reduce your overall debt across multiple areas to showcase better credit worthiness.

Why it matters: This ratio gives lenders an insight into your ability to manage and repay debts.

Optimization: Aim for a lower ratio by either increasing your income or decreasing mortgage amount of your debts. Lenders generally prefer a ratio below 43%.


4. Review all available options

There are banks, lending intuitions, private lenders, and other types of entities that can provide a mortgage for a property. By working with a broker like sHelto, you can get the right mortgage rates from the right lender.

Why it matters: Rates can vary significantly between lenders. By shopping around, you ensure you’re not missing out on a better deal elsewhere.

Action steps: You can consult with a mortgage broker about the right lending strategy for you. You should also understand that your case may be different from others, which is why getting a customized lending strategy is the best option.


5. Lock-in your rate

In several cases, you can lock-in your rate for a period of 60 days or more. This can help you understand what types of rates are available in the market in Canada so that you can get the best 3 year fixed rate mortgage without experiencing the down side of losing that locked-in rate.

Why it matters: You can get assurance of a fixed rate during the period in which you are checking lending options.

Keep in mind: Some lenders might offer this for free, while others may charge a fee.


6. Engage a Mortgage Broker:

sHelto can help with securing the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates for you in Canada. A mortgage broker can also provide support, structure, and strategy for the entire process of getting a loan. You can also learn more about the best 3 year fixed mortgage rate in Canada when you are working with market experts like sHelto.

Why it matters: Brokers have a broader view of the mortgage market and can often access deals or lenders that you might not be aware of.

Benefits: They can save you time, potentially find better mortgage interest rates in canada, and guide you through the application process. However, ensure you understand any fees associated with their service.


building credit, credit rating, credit score

7. Negotiate:

Why it matters: While it might seem that rates are set in stone, there’s often room for negotiation, especially if you present yourself as a low-risk borrower.

Strategies: Armed with offers from various lenders, approach your preferred lender to see if they can match or better those terms.


8. Remaining updated on market

It is important to understand how the market adjusts to various macroeconomic trends, bank policy changes, announcements, etc. There may be benefits to investing in a 3 year fixed mortgage rates Canada solution and then renewing with a variable mortgage when interest rates are more favourable.

Why it matters: Economic factors, central bank policies, and other macro factors can influence mortgage rates.

Action steps: Regularly check reputable finance news sources and consider subscribing to mortgage rate newsletters.

You can improve your ability to acquire an excellent property at the best 3 year mortgage rates with the help of sHelto. We take care of the entire journey from scouting the right property plans to getting you the right monthly payment structure. We can also help in finding 3 year fixed rate mortgage solutions with the right lender, by leveraging our vast network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the complexities of the mortgage landscape can bring forth numerous questions. To assist you, we’ve compiled and answered some of the most common inquiries about 3-year fixed mortgages in the Canadian market.

Frequently Asked Questions

3 year mortgage rates are lending solutions for buyers to acquire their property at a fixed monthly payment standard. The rates are fixed throughout the 3 year period and aren’t dependent on market scenarios, volatility, and interest rate fluctuations. You can get the best 3 year fixed rate mortgage plan for your dream property and invest with stability and predictability.

While the fixed interest rate used in a 3-year fixed mortgage remains unchanged, an adjustable-rate mortgage (often referred to as a variable-rate mortgage in Canada) has an interest rate that can vary based on market conditions, typically tied to the prime rate set by banks.

There isn’t a direct rule of thumb that dictates whether a short term mortgage is better than a long-term one. It depends on your financial goals and whether you are comfortable with a long-term arrangement or not. You can also check evolving market trends, interest rate trends, and other factors through the help of a broker.

Some homeowners value the flexibility of a shorter term, five year fixed rate mortgage, especially if they anticipate relocating, refinancing, or believe that interest rates will decline in the near future. It can also serve as a middle ground between short 1 or 2-year terms and longer 5-year terms.

Yes, once your 3-year term concludes, you can choose to refinance or switch to another type of mortgage or term that suits your evolving needs and market conditions.

Similar to a 2-year mortgage, you would need to weigh the benefits of a short-term loan and a long-term loan for you. Some buyers want a home to move into permanently and need long-term security in their monthly payments. They can opt for a 15 year fixed loan.

Others can choose more flexibility and freedom, or aren’t sure about where they want to settle into at the current time. For them a 3 year mortgage plan works best. They can get the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates when they work with sHelto.

You should also check additional factors, such as to purchase mortgage default insurance, understanding interest rate differential, etc. These can also help you determine what mortgage type, lender, and structure works best for you.

There are several costs associated with breaking 3 year fixed mortgage rates, which are highlighted in your agreement. You would have to pay these costs if you want to break your mortgage early. That’s why it is important to work with a mortgage broker who can provide expertise in selecting the right 3 year fixed mortgage rate for you.

Most lenders will be able to offer 3 year fixed mortgage rates in Canada. You would have to consult with a broker such as sHelto to understand which lending institution can provide you with a loan based on your specific case.

You should check the fixed and variable rate mortgages available, along with the mortgage term and 3 year fixed rates in Canada prior to investing. This will help you capture insights during the early stages of knowing the market.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

3 year mortgage rates are lending solutions for buyers to acquire their property at a fixed monthly payment standard. The rates are fixed throughout the 3 year period and aren’t dependent on market scenarios, volatility, and interest rate fluctuations. You can get the best 3 year fixed rate mortgage plan for your dream property and invest with stability and predictability.

While the fixed interest rate used in a 3-year fixed mortgage remains unchanged, an adjustable-rate mortgage (often referred to as a variable-rate mortgage in Canada) has an interest rate that can vary based on market conditions, typically tied to the prime rate set by banks.

There isn’t a direct rule of thumb that dictates whether a short term mortgage is better than a long-term one. It depends on your financial goals and whether you are comfortable with a long-term arrangement or not. You can also check evolving market trends, interest rate trends, and other factors through the help of a broker.

Some homeowners value the flexibility of a shorter term, five year fixed rate mortgage, especially if they anticipate relocating, refinancing, or believe that interest rates will decline in the near future. It can also serve as a middle ground between short 1 or 2-year terms and longer 5-year terms.

Yes, once your 3-year term concludes, you can choose to refinance or switch to another type of mortgage or term that suits your evolving needs and market conditions.

Similar to a 2-year mortgage, you would need to weigh the benefits of a short-term loan and a long-term loan for you. Some buyers want a home to move into permanently and need long-term security in their monthly payments. They can opt for a 15 year fixed loan.

Others can choose more flexibility and freedom, or aren’t sure about where they want to settle into at the current time. For them a 3 year mortgage plan works best. They can get the best 3 year fixed mortgage rates when they work with sHelto.

You should also check additional factors, such as to purchase mortgage default insurance, understanding interest rate differential, etc. These can also help you determine what mortgage type, lender, and structure works best for you.

There are several costs associated with breaking 3 year fixed mortgage rates, which are highlighted in your agreement. You would have to pay these costs if you want to break your mortgage early. That’s why it is important to work with a mortgage broker who can provide expertise in selecting the right 3 year fixed mortgage rate for you.

Most lenders will be able to offer 3 year fixed mortgage rates in Canada. You would have to consult with a broker such as sHelto to understand which lending institution can provide you with a loan based on your specific case.

You should check the fixed and variable rate mortgages available, along with the mortgage term and 3 year fixed rates in Canada prior to investing. This will help you capture insights during the early stages of knowing the market.

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